Monday, February 4, 2008

Why do we do this?

by albenks

So many times, I get people coming up to me and asking me how this all started.

It always brings me back to that evening almost 3 years ago, in Baguio.

Cold, frustrated by our careers, and mostly because of the tapuy in our young beautiful heads (we were eighteenish then), we decided that the only way to get true joy out of work is to do something that makes you feel good and makes you feel alive (naks!). And to make it last, make sure you do it with people that you like.

Fast forward to 2008, we’re still here and we still feel alive during shoots. In fact, that’s about the only time we really enjoy working.

You see, the red pixel is essentially a group of friends who really just enjoy photography and editing any stuff we get on tape. We’re not going out there trying to make a killing. We have full-time jobs where we pour in the same undying love and dedication. Haha. I have to stop. That’s funny.

So, on top of all the albums and the prenups and the videos we have to produce, we also have to think about our real careers. And yup, it comes with all the complications. Mainly, you have to deal with the boss. No other four letter word can bring so much shivers down my lying spine. If making creative excuses for not coming in to work was a sport, I think we’ll be bagging our first Olympic gold. Singles and relay.

Come to think of it, the red pixel is really just an escape for us. A mini-vacation from the everyday DTR-signing, keyboard-stomping, lunch-munching, lunch-hurling, officemate-annoying, aircon-freezing drudgery of office life. Not that I have anything against work.

I guess everyone wants to have a piece of that. Who doesn’t?
We do what we can.

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