Monday, February 4, 2008

So, here we are.

by albenks

Two reasons why you might be reading this blog: 1) we’ve worked with you before and you were just curious how we’ve been doing, 2) you got drunk and fell asleep in front of your computer; your subconscious takes over, orders your fingers to type in “romeo jalosjos” in the search bar, and jackpot! you hit this site.

If you belong to no.1, hey, welcome! How you doin? We had fun at the shoot. Hope you liked the photos and the video. Oh, you did? Good. Now, listen, you need to stop sending us iMacs and jewelry. You guys don’t really have to do that. We appreciate it but.. we don’t have that much space to keep all that stuff, really. A bedroom can only hold so much Rolexes. You know how it is. I guess we’ll just have to send them back. Sorry.

OK, enough drunk blogging. Chances are, you fall under visitor category no.2. which means, you’re still wondering why you’re here and you’re starting to get more confused.

Ok. Let me set you straight. This site is everything about the red pixel. Who?! What? Exactly…Nobody knows who we really are. We had three years to make sure of that. Why?

Well, aside from six different bosses who will not hesitate to violate our bodies when they discover that we really weren’t sick when we called in with explosive diarrhea from time to time, we figured it’s really better to stay under the radar. We really didn’t think too much of this internet fad anyway. I mean, give me three people who know how to work this Internet thing. Well? I thought so. This internet thing will die. Any day now.


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