Monday, September 13, 2010

Wedding doves are tricksters

by Ray


I often find myself in a situation where doves don't go exactly where I predict (or want) them to go during the traditional dove release in weddings. Those wedding doves can be difficult sometimes. Maybe it's their way of getting revenge against the whole wedding industry for the whole caging, wing clipping and bad handling they get. (I'm not in favor of clipping the wings so organizers can "use" the doves again and again for wedding events. They should be left alone to fly away if they want.)

I have this particular image in my head where the doves are flying in unison, with wings perfectly spread while the couple is clearly seen with wide smiles on their faces and maybe in one corner of the frame a part of the guests clapping their hands, smiling, laughing or gaping in awe. That is my image of  perfect shot.

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